Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Keira Marie ~ 5 Days Old

I had been looking forward to this photo session for quite some time! So when I got the text that Baby D (that's what we referred to her as before she was born since her parents didn't know if she was going to be a boy or a girl) had arrived and was a girl I was super excited! Especially since I had text Jill a cute newborn girl outfit a couple days before :) I got to meet sweet Keira Marie when she was only 5 days old. She is the daughter of my good friend Jill (& her husband Matt) who I have known since middle school, cheered with in high school, and who was one of my bridesmaids in my wedding! Keira is the first newborn I've photographed so I definitely learned how patient you need to be to get some great shots ;) But overall she was a great model! Enjoy the photos...